Darby Reyburn
Basic Information
Name: Darby Reyburn
Number: 51
Position: Midfielder
Class of 2024-Committed to Appalachian State University
Field Hockey Experience
Individual Field Hockey Accomplishments & Awards:
2020: Varsity starter and letter as a freshman
2020: Parkland high school EPC All conference selection
2020: Parkland high school all area team selection
2021: Varsity starter and letter
2022: U16 RCC selection
2022: U16 Shooting stars showcase selection
Team Field Hockey Accomplishments:
2018: U12 NIT selection
2019:U14 NIT selection
2019: U16 shooting Stars Showcase selection
2020: U16 NIT selection
2021: Disney showcase selection- Gold medalists
2021: U16 Shooting stars showcase selection
2021: District Xl silver medalist
2021: State playoff qualifier
2021: U16 Shooting Star Showcase selection – pool winner
2022: U16 NIT selection – pool winner
School Information
Academic Awards/Honors: 2020-2021: High honor roll
Other Sports Played: Lacrosse
Extracurricular Activities:
– Volunteer nursery worker at church
– Helped organize and participated in a charity event for the homeless
– Operation Christmas child
– Volunteer service for nursing home
– Ambassador for two pet brands
– House cleaning