Emily Erickson
Basic Information
Name: Emily Erickson
Number: 55
Position: Forward, Midfielder
Class of 2021
Field Hockey Experience
Individual Field Hockey Accomplishments & Awards:
2020: NIT Pool Winner
2019: CB West Golden Stick Award (led team in goals/assists)
2019: game-winning goal against CBWFH rival; 1-0, biggest win in 3-years
2018: CB West 2018 SOL Field Hockey Third Team All-League
2017: CB West played Varsity/JV as Freshman; JV Captain
2016: game-winning goal at NITQ that took FSC to NIT
2015: Strikers Captain
2014: Strikers Captain
Team Field Hockey Accomplishments:
2020: NIT Pool Winner – WC Eagles
2019: NIT Qualifier – WC Eagles
2018: NIT Qualifier – WC Eagles
2017: NIT Qualifier – FSC
School Information
Academic Awards/Honors: Honor Roll, National Art Society Honoree
Other Sports Played: Track & Field
Extracurricular Activities: Doylestown Athletic Association Field Hockey Coach Volunteer, Dogsitter,
Key Club, Volunteer at Mini-THON, Relay for Life Leader, 4H Club Treasurer, 4H Participant for 5-years, Cooking for Homeless, New Hope Children’s Museum Volunteer, Aldi Mansion Volunteer, Buckingham Rehabilitation Volunteer, Children’s Village Child Care Center Volunteer, PinkOut Volunteer, CB East / CB West Field Hockey Clinic Instructor, Valley Forge Revolutionary Run Participant/Placed, International Food Drive Volunteer, Girl Scouts, Bright Horizons Bright Spaces volunteer