Morgan Pysher
Basic Information
Name: Morgan Pysher
Number: 98
Position: Goalkeeper
Class of 2019
Field Hockey Experience
Individual Field Hockey Accomplishments & Awards:
2017: All-Area Honorable Mention Goalkeeper
2017: Colonial League All-League 1st Team Goalkeeper
2017: 2018 Futures Region 5
2017: Varsity Starter/Letter winner (Junior Year) Named Hustle Captain 3 times
2016: Bangor “Player to watch” from the Express Times
2016: Varsity Starter/Letter Winner (Sophomore year) Named Hustle Captain 6 times
2015: Varsity Starter/Letter Winner (Freshman Year)
Team Field Hockey Accomplishments:
2017:NIT Qualifier
2017: U19 WC Eagles Shooting Star Thanksgiving Showcase Team
2017: District XI AA Runner Up
2017: Colonial League Semifinals
2017: 3 time ESU Tournament Champions
2016: Whitehall Summer League Champions
2016: District XI AA Runner Up
2016: Colonial League Semifinals
2015: District XI AAA Quarterfinals
2015: Colonial League Semifinals
School Information
Academic Awards/Honors: Honor Roll every marking period (2015-17), French Honor Society Officer (Secrerary), First Clarinet/Concert Mistress, Clarinet section leader, 2016 County band
Other Sports Played: Swimming
Extracurricular Activities: Certified Lifeguard, American Music Abroad (2017)